Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Shields, What Are They Good For?

A helmet wouldn't protect your whole body, we need something with more protection like a shield. For when arrows are shot into the air, a helmet will only save your head while a shield will guard the body. Though currently not being used in earthly warfare we do face arrows in the spiritual battle. Temptation, anger, sadness, depression; these are the weapons of choice from our enemy. 

Someone is always on the prowl waiting for the most opportune time to attack, this would be the very cryptic devil. Therefore, we are always in need of a shield, and we have access to the best supplier of this tool, the Lord! As He says in Genesis 15:1, "After this the Lord came to Abram in a vision: 'Do not be afraid Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.'"

This great reward is the new life in heaven and God's protection on this earth. Through this you can inspire people to look to the Lord always during any spiritual battle.