Sunday, February 26, 2017


Help! Need somebody help! for protection in the present call 911, but for the more powerful eternal safety call 91Christ.  Enjoy the truth of Jesus's return by first  accepting Him as your  Lord and savior, and keeping  in fellowship with Jesus by becoming enticed with reading His  word for eternal supreme safety.
Why you ask?  Well, true safety is coming at an unexpected time as it states in Luke 12:40
“You also must be ready, because the son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him”
Jesus is returning, we must come to terms and accept Him and begin living by His word, because if you simply accept Jesus you will reap an award of eternal life

Kudos Pastor Mike for inspiring me with this thought I got from the Bible study homework were going through. [ side note don’t get to full of yourself because you were mentioned in my famous blog) :))

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