Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Walk Circumspectly

Have jubilance grasp only for the Lord.  Keeping on a path steadily, with a purpose and meaning.   But how? The  answer is living circumspectly, led by the Holy Spirit as it states in Ephesians 5:15-20

 "Be very careful then how you live-not as the unwise but as the wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but  understand what the Lord’s will is. And do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery;  Instead, be filled with the Spirit speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit.   Singing music from your heart to the Lord always giving thanks to God the Father.” 

Rather than  living as a fool with your own prideful ideas, conducting yourself with guidance from  the Lord our Father for everything in the name of Jesus Christ.

If praising the Lord replaced a bounty of  tedious talk, there would be less bickering and brawling; wouldn’t that be refreshing and restorative?

If instead of ghastly gossip or futile feuding, switch to a Psalm or enlightening someone with what  the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. This uplifts the conversation versus enticing anger, and more bad feelings.

We must live  as the wise old owls praising the Lord, opposed to  going to the gab lab speaking nonsense to one another.  Keeping our focus on the brains of this operation God, and being uplifted with the Holy Spirit.

Certainly the verse is not suggesting that there will be no bumps in the road but it is stating that we can stand spiritually strong making strides with the encouragement from the Spirit.

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