Thursday, October 5, 2017

Free Flea Spray

Have a flea problem? Well how about some free flea spray, doesn't that sound appealing?

Well, perhaps you don't have a pest problem, however, you do have a problem with the devil. 

As fleas are constantly on the quest for new blood, the devil to is perpetually on the hunt for new victims. He makes suave attempts to circumvent a plan which never correlates with God's perfect way. 

So what about that free flea spray that we can use on the devil?

The complimentary pest (or devil) control comes from the Lord. The vicarious act Jesus did for us on the cross paid for our sins. He will help supply an escape route from the devil's continuously sleek escapades to mislead us. So all you need to do to keep the devil at bay is submit to God and accept His gift of salvation. 

James 4:7 ‘Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you’ 

Simply refuse the devils whispers and replace the inclination to do evil with the Lord’s Spirit, which encourages you to live by the Word.  

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