Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What a Doggone Mess

This mess you’ve allowed to grow is going to take about three vacuums to clean up. What a mistake it was to let the dogs in after they’ve been gallivanting in the mud, I better have my cleaning shoes on for this one, not my fancy shoes. Since there is so much dirt I don’t want to sacrifice my good pair when my dirty ones are ready for such an event. I have some always ready for every activity, yet the most important shoes (and most stylish) comes from the peace found in God. As it says in Ephesians 6:15, “And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” I could even call these my holy heels, they help me look good and stand firm through all. And the gospel of peace through Jesus helps vacuum the dirt in life. It’s always nice having my spiritual vacuum ready to help me tackle the multiple piles of dirt in life. 

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