Saturday, October 10, 2015

Concerning the Matter of Jobs and Dogs

Jobs and dogs are perpetually changing; one moment you got a Pug, the next a German Shepherd. 

One thing that never changes while the sun is up or down is our oh so strong Father of Jesus Christ.  He endeavors past these unstable items; which seem rather insipid in comparison to our unwavering Lord. 

"The grass withers, the flowers fades,
but the word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8

"Of old you laid the earth's foundations:
the heavens are the work of your hands.
They perish, but you remain;
they all wear out like a garment;
Like clothing you change them and they are changed,
but you are the same, your years have no end."
Psalm 102:26-28

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful that God is consistent and doesn't change! Thank you for sharing!
