Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Marriage Between Hupomone and Faith

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials,  for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4

Hupomone means to remain under God in trials and consistently having faith in the Lord in rough times. 

Or in other words, patience from a human's point of view. 

As a walnut stays in its shell until it is abruptly cracked open, we will never sincerely experience hupomone until we are fully broken apart by a trial.

Without faith during difficulties, there is no access to one's hupomone. These two traits play off of each other; they are matched because you can't say "everything is in God's hands" with out having some form of confidence in Jesus.

Keep retaining faith and endurance under pressure; we are going to make it in this world with the aid of the Abba Father if we hold onto these qualities. 

Once we grasp these attributes, hupomone can be extended to our everyday life; learning to depend on God consistently.

Nothing in this wold will stop us with God supplying us strength. We need to direct our eyes upwards with an inward knowledge that the Lord will help us persevere through all this life. 

Once we devote our daily lives to God in any situation, then we can truly find a sense of hupomone.   

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