Monday, December 18, 2017

Mental Construction Zone

Refurbishing your body is a necessary process in life. You refurbish your body with rejuvenating foods such as green beans or carrots along with exercise. Yet, this is not the only way to revitalize your body, for we need to become a new being within our hearts and soul (an activity that cannot be done remaining the same within). We must comprehend the need to move on from useless ways of monotony; to reconstruct our minds from frivulous things and place our eyes onto the Majestic Glory, our Heavenly Father. God calls us to sanctify our bodies, for as it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17  "Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new." 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Key to Cultivation

To begin a beautiful garden bed of daisies that is quite bountiful you must support it by watering and tending to it.

Take your eyes off the varieties of weeds in life and place your eyes on hope, trusting in the plans of our Lord. For as it says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Isn’t that just marvelous?! Certainly it is easy to become unnecessarily discombobulated with unplanned trials, but hold strong, for we can find rest by being at ease with the Lord. He has a future that is all planned out (however, not always the way we think it should go).

How exciting it is that God knows what He is doing! We can not get too preoccupied that sometimes our plans do not always correlate with His. However, that just means we need to learn to trust God more just as the daisies trust the gardener to cultivate them.

It takes patience to watch your daisies grow, similarly, it takes time to learn how to rely on God.
Just like a garden doesn't pop up instantly, your trust in the Lord is also a work in progress. Don't get discouraged by the weeds of life, grab hold of the Bible and Jesus who will supply comfort and peace.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Free Flea Spray

Have a flea problem? Well how about some free flea spray, doesn't that sound appealing?

Well, perhaps you don't have a pest problem, however, you do have a problem with the devil. 

As fleas are constantly on the quest for new blood, the devil to is perpetually on the hunt for new victims. He makes suave attempts to circumvent a plan which never correlates with God's perfect way. 

So what about that free flea spray that we can use on the devil?

The complimentary pest (or devil) control comes from the Lord. The vicarious act Jesus did for us on the cross paid for our sins. He will help supply an escape route from the devil's continuously sleek escapades to mislead us. So all you need to do to keep the devil at bay is submit to God and accept His gift of salvation. 

James 4:7 ‘Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you’ 

Simply refuse the devils whispers and replace the inclination to do evil with the Lord’s Spirit, which encourages you to live by the Word.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Don't Be on the Worst Dress List

Let’s play dress up for a bit, I’ll be a fairy while you’re a bear. 

But whoa there, you know that I will remove my wings and glittery make-up, and you your bear attire, and we will put on our normal clothes so when we go out we don't look silly!  I don’t want to appear as if it’s a dress up day like Halloween in September.

Yet there exists an apparel that we should remain constantly clothed in, even in bed! You ask, "but bed dress up is just comfy cozy, I want my p.j.s!" However, there is an outfit which is in quite a stupendous and unusual place, your mind. It is to often left alone to be dressed with whatever dreary or unnecessary jumble that pops into your mind. 

Doing that will put you on the worst dressed list. 

Despite that fashion choice, there is a whole new feel that average humans do not know. We can choose to dress differently within our minds, using the Holy Spirit as the closet organizer, and  having God as our fashion designer. The Lord will give you the desire of peace, and He encourages your thoughts to be renewed in Him. 

Colossians 3:9-10 "Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with it’s practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge in the image of the Creator"

Take off your silly temporary costumes, and dress yourself with God's design that will never go out of style.

Pastor Michael Buford gave me this verse and the thoughts above dispersed from it. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Spiritual On Guard!

Body armor is essential in war for protection.  However, it is cumbersome attire for daily activities.

Yet, there is an available armor that should be continually worn; not body armor like shields from physical attack, but the spiritual armor within from our Lord Jesus. 

   "Finally be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil." Ephesians 6:10-11

You ask, but why?  I've got a lovely house with no predators in sight! Well, isn’t it obvious we need God's strength? Simply turn on the news and you see all the continuous trauma taking place. We need some access to peace and opportunity of departing from this disintegrating world, which is only found by being in the will of God. 

Now, don’t misunderstand me when I’m telling you about the comfort of having the armor of God on, it’s not implying that life is all roses with no thorns. No, simply you can find rest in Jesus. Instead of having a new pen pal, we have a new prayer pal in Christ the Creator of peace and supplier of tranquility. 

So why wear the spiritual armor? Even during times of peace soldiers continue to wear their protection, prepared for any surprise attacks from the enemy. We too must keep alert so that the adversary cannot slither in and catch us in a cat nap. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

Buying or Renting?

What is God's housing situation in your heart?

Is He staying at a hotel? Is it only when you're feeling full of self pity that you call upon The Lord? Then you show Jesus the door out of your heart once things are looking good again.

Is He staying in a rental home? When extreme episodes of painful trials are invading your life you cling to the Bible to find relief. Yet after those years of turmoil cease to exist, you evict Christ from your heart.

Or, is He dwelling in a house? A forever home, having God as your personal designer. From the garden to the attic, the Holy Spirit is the foundation of your cottage.

"Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15

We need to remember to make our heart a welcome and cozy residence for Jesus; not just a guest house for visitors for when we need Him. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Walk Circumspectly

Have jubilance grasp only for the Lord.  Keeping on a path steadily, with a purpose and meaning.   But how? The  answer is living circumspectly, led by the Holy Spirit as it states in Ephesians 5:15-20

 "Be very careful then how you live-not as the unwise but as the wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but  understand what the Lord’s will is. And do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery;  Instead, be filled with the Spirit speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit.   Singing music from your heart to the Lord always giving thanks to God the Father.” 

Rather than  living as a fool with your own prideful ideas, conducting yourself with guidance from  the Lord our Father for everything in the name of Jesus Christ.

If praising the Lord replaced a bounty of  tedious talk, there would be less bickering and brawling; wouldn’t that be refreshing and restorative?

If instead of ghastly gossip or futile feuding, switch to a Psalm or enlightening someone with what  the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. This uplifts the conversation versus enticing anger, and more bad feelings.

We must live  as the wise old owls praising the Lord, opposed to  going to the gab lab speaking nonsense to one another.  Keeping our focus on the brains of this operation God, and being uplifted with the Holy Spirit.

Certainly the verse is not suggesting that there will be no bumps in the road but it is stating that we can stand spiritually strong making strides with the encouragement from the Spirit.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Don't Be Gray, Let's Pray

Choices….give up, or the opposing option…..keep going.  
During unsavory seasons in life…….we are encouraged to give up by Satan.  
However, Christ has supplied ample instructions to press on, equips us with endurance, injects faith in our hearts, furnishes the perfect amount of strength needed….. His gift of trust that His plan is perfect….and chiefly the privilege of prayer and the knowledge that He is always with us.
Luke 18:1 states “Then  He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart”
Therefore, don't allow yourself to become gray, and permitting the notion of quitting to enter your heart.  But, continue seeking our almighty God’s answer and direction.
Pray, carry on living, be directed by His mighty Word….which always is the source of answers.   Forego the whispering, sometime blaring temptation to to give up…and continue to pray and trust in our savior.
Note: the above was inspired by the May of 7th devotion in Streams in the Dessert

One more note: The truth is, I was seriously considering giving up on this paper a few times, but God injected endurance and patience to continue.

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Help! Need somebody help! for protection in the present call 911, but for the more powerful eternal safety call 91Christ.  Enjoy the truth of Jesus's return by first  accepting Him as your  Lord and savior, and keeping  in fellowship with Jesus by becoming enticed with reading His  word for eternal supreme safety.
Why you ask?  Well, true safety is coming at an unexpected time as it states in Luke 12:40
“You also must be ready, because the son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him”
Jesus is returning, we must come to terms and accept Him and begin living by His word, because if you simply accept Jesus you will reap an award of eternal life

Kudos Pastor Mike for inspiring me with this thought I got from the Bible study homework were going through. [ side note don’t get to full of yourself because you were mentioned in my famous blog) :))

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Fear to faith, in lieu of not accomplishing a task before you because of fear, perhaps we should instigate faith from our Heavenly Father, for if we simply rest our eyes on ourselves, the scaredy-cat inside all of us seeps out.

  In 2Timothy 1:7 ‘For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.’

How many times are we as Peter ….who walked on water until he was entangled with fear and began sinking.  Peter lost his blessing.  How many blessing are missing out on before we even take the first step due to that giant scaredy-cat inside us……with the help of the Holy Spirit we can turn fear into faith.

Or simply put….as Victor Marx says…..fear is a waste of time.

Authors note….this is not to insult any cat I know.