Friday, February 19, 2016

Want Ketchup with That?

Slow down, what’s the rush? The french fries at Mcdonalds will still be available. Do not fret! 

An example of how you should slow down is seen in the old tale of the tortoise and the hare. Of course the hare made the tortoise look like it was taking a cat nap because he was passing the unhurried turtle. Yet even after the rabbit surpassed him, the slow creature was determined to simply finish, even if he was last.  

We need to simply be in an undying race mode, merely having the capability of slowing our quick pace and let the Lord’s hand control our speed. 

This encouraging assessment was delivered from Pastor Mike is not very often your Pastor calls you a tortoise. Thanks a lot. 

I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus.
Philipppians 3:14 


  1. Well, it seems that Pastor Mike was both encouraging you, and affirming you ( You Tortoise You ), and no doubt, your faith in Jesus Christ has encouraged him to join you, and become ( Mr Turtell. That's right, it's pronounced, Turtell. ) Thank You for encouraging any who read, that patience is fruit of the Holy Spirit, and in our patience we possess our souls. Lu 21:19* “By your patience possess your souls.

  2. Well, it seems that Pastor Mike was both encouraging you, and affirming you ( You Tortoise You ), and no doubt, your faith in Jesus Christ has encouraged him to join you, and become ( Mr Turtell. That's right, it's pronounced, Turtell. ) Thank You for encouraging any who read, that patience is fruit of the Holy Spirit, and in our patience we possess our souls. Lu 21:19* “By your patience possess your souls.
